Masters Thesis

The American with Disability Act implemented in Human Resources

People with disabilities not only have to face their challenges of handling their disability but also meet the ordeals of how the public sees and treats them daily. They experience unfairness, discrimination, disapproval, and burden in areas such as employment, education, and society as a whole. Over the last 25 years, many policies have passed so that people with disabilities do not have to face any stigmatization and can be treated equally without any prejudices. Unfortunately, there have been incidents where disabled individuals have not given a fair chance, one area being in the workplace. Since the 1970s, laws have been passed to assist with eliminating discrimination in the workplace for these individuals, but it can still exist. Discrimination among people with disabilities was widespread in the workplace because many employers or employees do not want a person with an impairment to partake among them. An impaired or disabled person can be seen as useless, limited, unproductive, or impractical in a work environment. The discrimination starts due to the lack of education and understanding of the individual. Policies have helped people with disabilities to have a fair chance in any sector by setting up guidelines that would give them that opportunity to evolve. Disabled people have received a decent education, the means of transportation, and other accommodations that would aid them in being a vital part without discrimination in any public sector due to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Keywords: Employment, Recruitment, American with Disability Act (ADA), Accommodations, Barriers, Discrimination, Policies, Public administration, Public Sectors

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